
Larry: I didn't frame you. You were actually stealing.And I was the one that got you out of jail, so... Cecil: Yeah. We've got a nice life here. The past is the past. We've...

12. 老白那段 “I am the one who knocks” 的演讲 看到这句一头雾水?麻烦去第四季第六集仔细回顾下老白说的那段独白,这是他从一个失业的高中老师,蜕变成大毒枭的经典时刻。(台词随手转...

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《敢死队3》最新鲜的亮点是多了一位女汉子荣达•罗西(Ronda Rousey)。这位金发美妞笑容甜美,实力不容小觑:70公斤级的专业柔道运动员兼MMA格斗明星的杀伤力分分钟让敌人伤筋断骨。而女汉...

近日,北京大学第三医院乔杰院士、李蓉教授团队在The Innovation发表题为《OvaRePred:一种预测女性生育力里程碑事件发生年龄的在线工具》(OvaRePred: Online tool for predicting the age of fertility milestones)的研究成果,利用大数据资源在国际上首次建立了卵巢衰...

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